Our Assessments

Selecting and developing the right talent is critical in growing organizations of all sizes and categories. Whether your organization is for-profit or not-for-profit, business runs on hires that closely align with your culture, who are then developed into your future leaders.


Using PerSight
is easy

Persight Assessments specializes in helping businesses in the areas of talent assessment and leadership assessment with two empirically studied and tested products, PerSight Select and PerSight Development.

After a brief training period, respondents are presented with a series of adjectives, one at a time, on the screen and asked to make one of two responses:  "Like Me" or "Not Like Me".  Adjectives appear one at a time, but in rapid succession. The entire assessment lasts only around 5-7 minutes although hundreds of adjectives are presented in that short time.  PerSight is truly the most efficient method of collecting personality data in existence.